If you have "love handles" then beware that your lungs may be in danger. A research on 120,000 men and women showed that the more weight you have on your waist, the more you will experience shortage of breath and thus lung malfunction.
Dr Noemi Eiser, honorary medical director of the British Lung Foundation, told the BBC: "It is widely known that obesity and a lack of exercise is detrimental to your health but this research highlights how being overweight affects your lungs."
A big waist size can be deadly. Each extra 2ins (5cm) raised the chance of early death by between 13% and 17%, according to a New England Journal of Medicine study.
The British Heart Foundation also find out that risk of heart disease is higher when there is fat concentrated around the waist.
Sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy food and lack of exercise add to a bigger waist and thus bring more health risks.